Author: Breanna Mills R.D.

Eating disorders affect everyone, regardless of your gender, sexual orientation, background, ability, race or age. Many Eating Disorder groups from across Canada join together for Eating Disorders Awareness Week. This national week of action occurs each year from February 1-7. This year, the theme is Transforming the Narrative from Asks to Action. This campaign aims to raise awareness and understand the connection between eating disorders and other co-occurring conditions or intersections of disadvantage and helps others to take action to support those who are affected by eating disorders.
How can you get involved?
Post on Social Media
You can get involved by using the hashtag #EDAW2023 on all social media platforms to let your voice be heard on what action could be taken in your community. The NEDIC website has information and materials to help with social media content, such as sample scripts and tips and reminders to for self-care for you and other people who may be viewing your content.
NEDIC is hosting virtual EDAW Action Hours all week, where people can come together and send information to decision-makers, with the support of community. NEDIC is also hosting a national panel event with change-makers in mental health to advocate for policy changes, taking place virtually on Tuesday February 7th at 5pm-6:30pm EST, 2pm-3:3-pm PST, titled “Breaking Barriers, Building Bridged: A panel discussion on eating disorders with change-makers in mental health.” Registration for this event is free and anyone interested can sign up here.
Transform the Narrative
Eating disorders are often reported on irresponsibly in the media. NEDIC has materials that offer facts about eating disorders, strategies to help minimize harm, dispel myths, honour the experiences of those affected and encourage hope.
Attend an Event in your Community
Nedic has events listed on their website that are happening in support of Eating Disorders Awareness Week.
One of the most helpful ways to support Eating Disorders Awareness Week is to learn about eating disorders. The NEDIC website contains helpful information about eating disorders and where to access support. The Bulimia Anorexia Nervosa Association (BANA) also puts out the “Be Yourself” magazine that discusses the conversations in Canada around eating disorders and mental health and provides information on awareness, wellness and support.
Eating disorders affect everyone. It is time to increase awareness of the impact of Eating Disorders, advocate for policy changes, transform the narrative around eating disorders and take action. Visit The NEDIC website for more information.