Commonly referred to as orthorexia, Orthorexia nervosa, is an eating disorder where a person becomes overly obsessed with eating certain foods they consider healthy.
One reason you may not have heard of orthorexia before, is because orthorexia is not officially recognized as an eating disorder within the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5).
It's also very different from the other eating disorders like anorexia nervosa, because orthorexia is not about weight loss or body image. Instead, it consists of trying to achieve a feeling of purity or goodness by following strict eating habits centered around rigid rules around food.
Wait... Isn't A Healthy Diet A GOOD Thing?
While eating healthy is generally a good thing, with orthorexia, this focus becomes extreme and can lead to serious health issues.
It goes beyond simply wanting to be healthy or a focus on healthy eating—it becomes an unhealthy obsession that can make it hard to enjoy meals, socialize, or focus on anything other than your healthy eating food choices.
By understanding what orthorexia nervosa is, you will see how serious of an eating disorder it is and why it needs proper care and attention

What Are The Symptoms Of Orthorexia Nervosa?
Orthorexia symptoms can vary, but like most eating disorders, there are key signs to look out for.
A person with orthorexia may spend a lot of time thinking about their food, planning their meals, or reading about health and nutrition.
They may become extremely concerned with eating healthy food and planning meals, leading to an obsessive preoccupation with what they consider to be healthy eating. Or they may avoid entire food groups due to their obsession with healthy eating.
An Obsessive Focus On "Healthy"
Although it may seem like it is beneficial to pursue healthy eating habits, these often can then turn into extreme preoccupation seen in orthorexia nervosa can lead to psychological distress and social isolation. By understanding orthorexia nervosa, you can recognize the impact it has on both mental and physical health.
For example, you might try to lose weight under the pretense of improving your health. Orthorexia nervosa can also lead to feelings of guilt or anxiety if you eat something you believe is “bad.” and following restrictive dietary practices believed to enhance healthy eating can lead to anxiety and fear of disease.
Why Is Orthorexia Bad?
If you have orthorexia nervosa, then you might also display obsessive behaviors similar to obsessive compulsive disorder.
Socially, you might avoid eating out or participating in events where your can’t control the food, making your dietary restrictions escalate.
The result? Severe weight loss and negative physical sensations from restrictive dietary practices associated with orthorexia nervosa.
If these behaviors sound familiar, they could be signs of orthorexia nervosa or other disordered eating.

How Does Orthorexia Impact Your Daily Life?
The obsessive focus on healthy eating from orthorexia nervosa often leads to becoming socially isolated, as those with orthorexia may avoid gatherings or events where they cannot control their food options. This can result in missed opportunities for social interaction and enjoyment, contributing to feelings of loneliness and disconnection.
The impact of orthorexia nervosa can be equally challenging on your relationships just like other eating disorders.
Individuals with orthorexia might become critical or judgmental of others’ food choices, which can create tension and conflict with family and friends. This judgmental attitude and obsessive compulsive nature can strain relationships, making it difficult for loved ones to understand and support the person with orthorexia nervosa. Additionally, the person may withdraw from social activities, prioritizing their restrictive dietary practices over spending time with others.
Daily life can also be significantly disrupted by orthorexia and disordered eating patterns. The restrictive eating patterns associated with the disorder and being a health food junkie can lead to malnutrition, fatigue, and other medical complications
What Can Orthorexia Lead To?
The excessive time spent on food planning and preparation can interfere with work, school, and other important activities, reducing your overall productivity and quality of life. And the constant need for control over food choices for a healthy diet can cause anxiety and stress, especially in situations where “healthy” food is not available.
Feelings of guilt or shame are common when individuals with orthorexia are unable to stick to their self-imposed dietary rules for food intake. These rigid eating patterns and eating behaviors can negatively impact self-esteem and overall mental health, creating a cycle of disordered eating and emotional distress.
Recognizing the signs, symptoms and diagnostic criteria of orthorexia is crucial to promote optimal health and for seeking help. Treatment options at Westwind Counseling, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy and nutrition counseling, can assist individuals in developing a healthier relationship with food and improving their overall quality of life.
For those supporting someone with orthorexia, empathy and understanding are key. Family and friends can play a vital role by:
Avoiding criticism or judgment of the individual’s food choices or other people's eating habits.
Encouraging open communication about their feelings and concerns.
Supporting the individual in seeking professional help.
By working together, individuals with orthorexia and their loved ones can foster a more balanced and flexible approach to eating, enhancing overall well-being and strengthening relationships.
Where To Get Help For Orthorexia
If you or someone you know is dealing with orthorexia, checking out the National Eating Disorders Association and getting help as soon as possible is essential. Orthorexia nervosa is a serious condition, but recovery is possible with the right support.
At Westwind Counselling, we can provide you with a safe space if you or someone you love is struggling with orthorexia or other eating disorders.
Our experienced counselors can help you understand the emotional and psychological factors behind your eating habits and your relationship to food, as well as help you develop a more flexible approach to healthy eating.
Treatment for orthorexia often involves therapy to address the rigid thinking patterns and fears around food and healthy eating, as well as guidance on rebuilding a balanced diet.
Remember, seeking help is a positive and courageous step toward recovery, and with the right support from Westwind Counseling, it’s possible to regain a healthier relationship with food and life.
Additional Resources
Along with seeking help through Westwind Counselling, please free to check out the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) or the National Eating Disorder Information Centre (NEDIC) for additional information, referrals and support to people in Canada affected by eating disorders. Binge Eating Disorder is a serious condition, but recovery is possible with the right support.