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Oct 16, 2018
Body Positivity: Recovery from a Toxic Diet Culture
Let loving your body be your act of resilience in a world that says you shouldn't. What is Body Positivity? Body positivity is a...

Sep 14, 2018
A Letter from My Body
Dear me, I stare at you in the mirror. I see a woman’s body, strong and capable. I see large, round breasts, a curvy body, an...

Aug 12, 2018
20 Years and Counting!
This summer marks Westwind’s 20th anniversary, and we feel very fortunate to be part of so many people’s recovery stories. Westwind...

Jul 16, 2018
Identifying Reliable Nutrition Information
Tips to use when considering nutrition advice Nutrition information is all around us and highly accessible. With the abundance of...

Jul 4, 2018
Committing to Yourself
Every day we are asked to make commitments – to our jobs, to our friends and family, even to strangers. We are expected to focus our...

Jun 20, 2018
Shame and Eating Disorders
We have all experienced the uncomfortable feeling of shame wash over us. This is experienced all too frequently with those who struggle...

Jun 7, 2018
Three Facts about Feelings
The ability to identify and express emotions is often challenging for people in recovery from an eating disorder. When someone feels...

May 24, 2018
The importance of separating yourself from the eating disorder
The idea of being separate from the eating disorder is one that is incredibly helpful in understanding how the disorder works, and in...

May 7, 2018
#GetLoud for Mental Health
May 7-13, 2018 marks the 67th Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) Mental Health Week. The goal in previous years was designed to...

Apr 30, 2018
International No Diet Day 2018 - Be kind to your body
International no diet day is fast approaching. This year I would like us all to take a moment to not only push back against the harmful...
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