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Sep 14, 2018
A Letter from My Body
Dear me, I stare at you in the mirror. I see a woman’s body, strong and capable. I see large, round breasts, a curvy body, an...

Apr 30, 2018
International No Diet Day 2018 - Be kind to your body
International no diet day is fast approaching. This year I would like us all to take a moment to not only push back against the harmful...

Nov 17, 2016
Diets Don't Work… Let's Try a Different Approach
Health At Every Size® or HAES™ is a movement that is spreading quickly across the nation. However surprisingly for some, it is a...

Sep 12, 2016
5 Keys to Improving Self-esteem
Positive self-esteem is a hard thing to come by these days. Many people live with a constant feeling of low self-worth and...
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